Understand Is There a Cure For Baldness on Its Way? more

People have been dealing with baldness since they have existed. It is a problem that has plagued man and does not seem to be slowing down, but actually speeding up! So when can we expect a cure for baldness? Is there a cure for baldness? Well, to answer that, you need to know some important facts about balding that will help you find a solution to it. I am going to tell you why there is no current cure and why it happens in the first place.

Why There Is No Cure

The reason there is no cure is because, in most cases, balding is a result of genetics. It is not a disease or something contagious. The reason it happens is because our DNA tells us at some point in our life to halt the production of a very important chemical to hair growth called DHT. The reason there is no cure for this genetic disorder is that you simply cannot change your genetics.

Is It on The Way?

While the medical field is making great advancements in genetics, it is very unlikely that we will see any cure for baldness anytime soon. The medical field of genetics is still very new and they have a lot of work to go before they can start curing genetic diseases.

So what can you do even though there is no cure? Simple, try taking some Vitamin E supplements or eating nuts and seeds. Vitamin E encourages hair follicles to stay strong and produce hair. It is no replacement for DHT and it will not reverse hair loss, but it will slow it down greatly.

Hair Loss Cures

Learning all you can about hair loss and balding will only increase your chances of stopping, and even reversing, hair loss. I highly recommend an awesome free DVD [http://www.free-hair-dvd.com] that is given out by Bosley that will teach you all the details about hair loss and what you can do about it. You can find details on the DVD here: Is There A Cure For Baldness [http://www.free-hair-dvd.com]

The sooner you take the time to learn about hair loss, the sooner you can start doing something about it. So do not wait until it is to late. Take action and make a difference now! Thank you for reading and good luck!

Is There a Cure For Baldness on Its Way?

Hair Loss Cures

Read through New Cure For Hair Loss - A New Cure For Hair Loss You Must Know more

New Cure For Hair Loss - A New Cure For Hair Loss You Must Know

Hair Loss Cures

Hair Loss Cures

Isn't it about time we do away with all those over-the-counter drugs we see at the local drug store claiming to cure hair loss? Seeing as how there have been several discoveries on how to reverse hair loss naturally, the new cure for hair loss is something that can be done at home, and without any drugs to boot. In this article I will elaborate on what exactly is the hair loss cure for 2008.

Hair loss is becoming a real problem, and in 2008 it's estimated to peak as the most hair loss cases ever. For many, this means more balding, not a good thing. But for medical corporations it means profits profits profits. This is why the new cure for hair loss had to be discovered, more and more unsuspecting people are giving away their money to companies who promise a new head of hair, but their products fall short of their claims.

Rest assured you can give these companies the boot as you're about to learn a revolutionary way to fight hair loss. Your body is made up of several thousands of tiny nerves, all connected throughout your entire body. These nerves conduct specific currents that flow back and forth several times every day. There are some particular nerves who's purpose lie in aiding in hair growth.

The location of those nerves is on your fingers.These nerves are directly connected with the nerves on your scalp, just at the area where you grow new hair. The more electric current that flows on these nerves, the more your promote new hair growth on your head.

Here's how you take advantage of this new discovery and realise what the new hair loss cure is.
Take your fingers from both of your hands, and put them against each other. As in, take your left pinky finger and put it against your right pinky finger, take your left ring finger and place it against your right ring finger, etc. When you have all your fingers against each other, simply rub them back and forth.

Rub them back and forth for about 7 minutes twice everyday. The tingling sensation is a sign that you've activated the nerves and have commanded them to reverse hair loss and grow new hair.

To find out more how Ernie cured his hair loss be sure to visit New Cure For Hair Loss for fast and effective tips to reversing hair loss.


Examine Hair Loss and Growth a lot more

Hair Loss and Growth

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Hair Loss is a common problem that affects people from all walks of life. It can affect you at any age, irrespective of whether you are a man, woman or even a child. So what do we know about balding and hair growth. Below are some commonly known facts.

There are three phases in the life of a hair:

- Anagen phase: This is the initial hair growth stage where the hair grows in 3 to 7 years.

- Catagen phase: This is where the growth is halted and the process takes 1 to two weeks. You can say that the growth has completely stopped.

- And the telogen phase: At this stage, the dead hair remains attached to the scalp for 3 months before it starts falling

How to recognize normal or abnormal hair loss:

"Normal" Loss

You can think of a full head of hair to be like a forest whereby they grow, live and die. The dead hair fall and are typically replaced by young hair. It is considered that loss of up to 50-100 hairs per day can be normal. So if you see such volumes of loss, there is nothing to be worried about.

Abnormal Loss

In some cases, hair loss exceeds 50 to 100 hairs a day and you can consider that this as a hair loss disease. There can be a number of factors that affect hair loss and these can be both natural as well as unnatural.

The problem can affect many different people

Hair loss can take many different forms:

Hair baldness can:

· affect everyone including children, adults, men and women

· be either moderate or severe and can affect all or part of the scalp

The problem may be accompanied by different signs...

There are many signs that accompany hair loss including:

oily hair
brittle hair
fine hair
films or crusts

These signs all have their importance in determining the causes of baldness and the factors contributing or exacerbating balding.

Professional consultation for the problem:

In order to determine the exact cause of baldness, a sufferer may require a medical consultation to determine the cause. This can mean the need for a blood test to determine the cause and to develop a treatment for balding. It is important that the sufferer seeks advice and consultation from qualified and experienced professionals who have a proven track record in treating sufferers in the industry.

If you feel that you have excessive hair falling, then try a natural treatment to stop hair loss in order to grow hair back.

Study Hair Loss Natural Cure additional

Most of hair loss cases, about 90%, are caused by Androgen or by heredity. The medical diagnostic is: degeneration of the hair follicle. As a result hair falls but never grows back. Chemical solutions are related to many unwanted side affects which leads growing number of people to healthy natural solutions. This article will bring you some unusual natural solutions to stop hair loss and regain hair grow.

The other 10% of hair loss cases are related to: hormonal changes, genetics, lack of suitable nutrition to the hair follicle, lack of minerals and amino acid, the use of chemical hair colors, unbalanced diet, and an oily scalp which could block hair from growing. Some mental reasons could relate to: too much tension, restlessness, or anxiety.

There are some natural healthy effective ways to treat hair loss and avoid the chemical side affect. You will not feel immediate change but in time you will see the difference. All of these solutions are effective when your body's nutrition is balanced. Balance your diet along with the treatments.

1. Massage to the scalp with 3 oil types -

Massage your head for two days, each time with different oil: Olive, castor, and wheat sprout. Use lukewarm oil and leave a hot towel on your head for half an hour post each massage.

2. Blood flow -

Standing on the head can improve blood flow to the scalp. This is very important as the blood flow feeds the hair follicle

3. Eat biotin rich food -

Green pea, nuts, brown rice, seeds, and walnut, are all rich in biotin.

4. Minerals -

Zinc is very important in terms of building and regaining body tissue and cells. Normal daily zinc consuming is about 15 milligram.
Iron is very important as well, iron carries the oxygen to the body cells. Lack of iron could result in hair loss. A grownup should consume about 18 milligram daily.

5. Plants Saw Palmetto -

This is a type of miniature palm tree that grows at the beaches of America. It was tested to help in stopping hair loss process.

6. Avoid using chemical materials -

Avoid all chemicals which are hair treatment related. An allergic reaction to them could weaken the hair follicle.

7. Lucerne -

Lucerne is very rich with minerals. It is possible to purchase it as a powder and mix one spoon with fresh squeezed carrot juice.

These are all natural ideas which helped many people. As with almost every thing in life, keep looking. Never give up, look for information, try solutions and eventually you will find the cure you are looking for.

Hair Loss Cures

Click Here For Unusual Natural Health Solutions! [http://www.web-health-info.com]

Hair Loss Natural Cure

Read through Hair Loss - Disaster For The Young Man more

Hair Loss

When we are somewhat younger, the male of the species preen themselves for an evening out, usually with the intention of attracting the opposite sex. This is no different of course than any other member of the animal kingdom, we like to make sure that we look our best. We check out our clothes and everything else just to make sure that everything is just so, and then we take a final look in the mirror to check out the result.

Shock horror!! We look at our faces in the mirror, look at the top of the head in the reflected image and notice that there is a noticeable thinning of the hair. Hair loss, the fear of every young man! All things go through the mind. Imaginings of being bald in a few months. How could we possibly face anyone, least of all the female of the species, displaying a shiny dome, a bit of hair on either side of the head. Worse still, perhaps there will be just a little hair left on top and we might be forced to use the dreaded "comb over". Life is surely at a social end as we know it.

What is the remedy for this dastardly condition? How can we cope with the indignity? It is the time, we think, that hair loss will make a difference to our social status. The back of the hand remarks from "friends" - no chance of support there. What in heaven's name is the solution?

A lot of men nowadays seem to "solve" the problem by simply shaving their heads and "hide" the fact that hair loss is happening at all. Maybe that might work in a lot of cases, but it is quite obvious that this particular "style" does not suit everyone. Because of the shape of peoples' faces, this particular form of "hair removal" can have an adverse effect. It can, of course, give the impression of aggressiveness. This, of course, can be gleaned from what we see in the entertainment media. It appears that most of the "heavies" in movies and on television, appear to have shaven heads. This could be an unfair assumption, but often first appearances engender lasting opinions.

Another drastic and "final solution" to a hair loss problem, is buying a toupee. Now, this may suit some people and indeed there are some very good examples of this cosmetic aid. Vanity must take preference though for this means of combating hair loss - rather than actually really wanting to put one of these things on your head.

The fear element of wearing the toupee must be of major concern as well. By definition, the thing actually sits on the head. Presumably there is no adhesive involved in fitting it to its final position. If that be the case, then it must be a major risk that it will part itself from the head on some occasion, whether if the wind may blow a little too hard one day, or perhaps a sudden movement might dislodge it from its "home" position. In either case, surely the embarrassment from this type of incident would far outweigh the actual hair loss issue. In this case the slogan surely must be: "Bald is beautiful".

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Hair Loss

Hair Loss - Disaster For The Young Man

Hair Loss

Read through Hair Loss In Women - Six Causes far more

Hair Loss

Hair loss in women differs from hair loss in men in the following ways:

Signs of hair loss in men:

Receding hairline

Moderate to extensive hair loss, particularly on the crown of the head

Signs of hair loss in women:

General thinning of hair all over the head

Moderate hair loss on the crown of the head or at the hairline

In summary, hair loss in women can start around 30 years of age and usually involves overall thinning rather than a bald patch. It often becomes more noticeable around 40 years of age.

Here are six causes of hair loss in women which can help you identify the possible cause and decide whether to just wait for the hair to regrow, or if it is a more serious reason, get professional advice and take appropriate action:

#1. Hair loss in women is often connected to pregnancy. Three to six months after delivering a child, many women notice a degree of hair loss as the hair goes into a resting phase because of the physiological impact of the pregnancy on the body.

#2. A woman's body can also be greatly affected by intensive diets and losing a lot of weight in a short period of time.

#3. Severe illnesses and infections can put great stress on the body thus triggering the hair into a resting phase which result hair shedding. Often the body recovers naturally within 3 to 9 months and the hair begins to regrow until it almost resembles its original condition.

#4. Hair loss in women can be aggravated further by improper use of chemical hair treatments such as dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves.

Generally, healthy hair can undergo these treatments without showing signs of stress, if they are not done too often. However, if hair is breaking or if it becomes brittle it is best to stop these procedures until the hair has grown out.

#5. The constant pulling of hair with styles such as ponytails and braids can sometimes cause hair loss in women. Avoid pulling the hair tight with these styles.

#6. Rough combing and brushing of the hair and vigorous rubbing with a towel after shampooing can cause it to break, adding further to the problem of Hair loss in women. Wide toothed combs and brushes with smooth tips are recommended to minimize hair breakage.


Although hair loss is distressing for everyone, hair loss in women is perhaps a cause of more anxiety as it can lead to feelings of lack of confidence and femininity.

In many cases, proper care and attention to hair can greatly reduce the danger of hair loss.

In other cases involving illness or heredity, consulting with a professional hair stylist can result in a hair style that minimizes the effect of hair loss in women.

Recommendation: The NewHair Biofactors system stops hair loss within 1 week guaranteed! This hair care range from Nisim International, leaders in hair science for over 20 years, also assists in the growth of new hair. Click here for full details:


Check MikeÂ’s free hair loss research library here:


Speed up hair growth:


Hair Loss In Women - Six Causes

Hair Loss

Examine New Baldness Cure Discovered - Simple Natural Treatment Revealed (They Don't Want You to Know This) more

There are many studies currently being done on baldness and hair loss cures. Recently one study showed that the herb saw palmetto can prevent and even promote new hair regrowth.

The best baldness cure discovered is a completely natural one that focuses on providing your body with the essential nutrients that it lacks. You see, most people today are not getting the right vitamins and minerals from their food.

This is why the best baldness cure discovered focuses on the right blend of vitamins, herbs and minerals to give your body the building blocks it needs to grow new, healthy hair. When you're out there searching for the best natural treatment for your body, remember to compare different options and not just listen to anyone, but even me.

There are a lot of options out there that you can try that have been made recently. A few older options are Rogaine or Propecia, which are taken orally or applied topically.

The downside with these are that they require a prescription, at least for Propecia, and they tend to come with some side effects that can be quite alarming. A few examples of side effects are sexual problems, breathing difficulties and testicular pain for men.

The best baldness cure discovered in my opinion is a completely natural one, because they are safe, cost-effective and simple. When you're looking for the best natural option, look for something that contains vitamin B6, biotin, zinc, magnesium and a new herb called Saw Palmetto.

When all of these ingredients are blended together in high-quality and in the right quantities, the results will be very effective. This has been proven in thousands upon thousands of people.

If you can find a natural baldness product that has all of these ingredients and herbs alongside with the FDA approved substance minoxidil, you will see results.

Hair Loss Cures
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New Baldness Cure Discovered - Simple Natural Treatment Revealed (They Don't Want You to Know This)

Read Hair Loss - Treatment for Women more

Men aren't the only ones who experience pattern baldness. Female pattern baldness is a very real and difficult to deal with part of many women's lives. In addition to this, there are other atypical reasons for thinning hair in women. And the treatment options that women have as remedies for these problems are somewhat different than those available for men.

Hair loss is related to the hair growth cycle. Hair grows in cycles from 2 to 6 years, rests for a few months, and falls out. After it's shed from the follicle, it's replaced by new hair that starts growing shortly after the old hair falls. Under normal circumstances, about 85% of the hair on a head is growing while 15% is resting. When new hair does not replace the hair that falls out after the rest cycle, hair loss occurs.

While the cause of female pattern baldness is not certain, it is known to be related to hormones, genetics and aging. Androgens, a male sex hormone is the one that's responsible. After women who are predisposed to hair loss have gone through menopause, the hair on their heads can thin, while hair on the face can increase and coarsen. Female pattern baldness does not manifest itself in women the same as it does in men. Unlike men, women don't develop a receding hairline, bald crown or the often seen horseshoe shape. Instead, there is a thinning of hair over the entire head. We've all seen middle aged or older women whose scalp is visible through their hair.

Minoxidil, one of the drugs used in the treatment of male pattern baldness can also be used for women; though it has not been shown to be quite as effective in women as it is in men. While it will slow the progress of hair loss in most women, it will only grow new hair in about a quarter of those who use it. It must be applied twice a day, and is expensive to use as well. And there is an incidence of allergic reaction to the use of minoxidil in some women. Hair loss symptoms will resume if minoxidil treatment is halted.

Finasteride, the other medicinal hair loss treatment for men, has not proven to effectively stop hair loss in women. Even more of a concern though is that it is known to cause birth defects. It has not been approved as a treatment for hair loss in women, and should never be taken or handled by them because of the danger of fetal damage.

Another treatment option is hair replacement surgery. Hair that's taken from donor areas of the scalp where hair is still growing is transplanted into scalp areas that are thinning. In the past, hair was transplanted in plugs, which made it easy to spot those who had gone through the surgery. The days of the obvious transplant patient are over though; new techniques make transplants virtually undetectable. Newer methods transplant hair similar to the way it grows, using follicular units. These complete hair-growing units consist of the follicles, nerves, blood vessels and other supporting tissues. The use of these follicular units help to ensure that natural looking end results are achieved.

In addition to these medical treatments, there are non-medical, non-invasive approaches to female hair loss. Wigs and hairpieces, and hair weaves can cover up thinning hair; and some hairstyles can help to disguise it. These methods are the easiest, cheapest and safest courses of action to take in an effort to remedy hair loss.

Of course, the safest and cheapest of all is to simply accept it and not be overly concerned about it. For some women, this is a perfectly viable solution. But for those who would prefer to have at least the illusion of a full head of hair, the aforementioned options are available.

Hair Loss

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at http://hairlosscentralhome.com

Hair Loss - Treatment for Women

Read through B12 Hair Loss Vitamin - The Key To Hair Growth far more

All over the globe, hair loss has been a very common and familiar problem of people nowadays. And it has always been a query if diet could really affect hair loss and other hair conditions. But because of the fact that nutrients are transferred to our hair through blood circulation, it indicates the deficiency of important vitamins in our body. Moreover, hair loss vitamin is indeed essential in having a healthy hair and avoiding hair loss. A balanced diet is essential in providing sufficient amounts of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to every part of our body. Without proper nutrition, it can result to hair loss. Now what could be the best source of vitamins for the hair that could, if by any chance, act as a hair growth spell? Consequently, hair loss can be managed by taking in dietary supplements, like vitamins, minerals and especially vitamin B12 which is also known as Cobalamin. Normally, people who suffer from hair loss have vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 hair loss vitamin is available almost everywhere nowadays that are being recommended by leading dermatologists and hair-care doctors to supplement the necessary amount of vitamin B12 in our body.

There are several forms of B12. Methylcobalamin is a biologically active coenzyme form of Vitamin B12. It comes in a sublingual tablet and is body friendly. It does not require complicated metabolic steps in order to get it flowing in your bloodstreams, you just have to take it as it is. Cyanocobalamin is an inactive form of vitamin B12. It is synthetic and requires several metabolic processes to having it working for the body but nonetheless, it is the easiest form of vitamin B12 to be found in the market. Hydroxycobalamin is a non-active form of Vitamin B12 and could be commonly used via injections. Adenosylcobalamin is also a biologically active coenzyme form of Vitamin B12. It only comes with a prescription and usually taken through injections.

Primarily, this vitamin B12 contains cobalt and a member of the vitamin B-complex family. It is solely produced by microorganisms such as bacteria, moulds, yeast, and some algae and could be found primarily in meat, eggs and dairy products. However, there are occasions when the body loses the ability to absorb necessary nutrients from the food. In cases like that, additional supplements (e.g. B12 hair loss vitamin) of these vital nutrients should be taken for the body to have the necessary amount. B12 hair loss vitamin could be taken in the form of oral supplements or through injections. For a hair growth spell effect, you need 2 micrograms of vitamin B12 a day. It is inexpensive, safe and reliable. But along with the B12 hair loss vitamin, you have to carefully watch your diet as well and avoid junk foods as much you can. Too much sugar and salt in the body can definitely promote hair loss. It could also be helpful to use a complete vitamin B supplement

We do not need to pray for a hair growth spell miracle in order to stop hair loss, vitamins such as the B12 hair loss vitamin has benefits you'll find most fulfilling when taken. DHT (di-hydro testosterone), which slows down the growth of hair and has dreadful effects on hair follicles, can be hindered in production with hair vitamin intakes. B12 hair loss vitamin also nourishes the scalp and heals the scalp thus promoting hair growth. And since vitamins regenerate damaged hair follicles, it will definitely trigger hair growth as well.

Hair Loss

I am 23 years old, a senior Psychology major with passion in arts and writing.

B12 Hair Loss Vitamin - The Key To Hair Growth

Hair Loss

Study Understanding The Cause Of Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency extra

Until now the debate over hair loss vitamin deficiency has been raging. One side says that hair loss is not due to a lack of vitamins in the body. The other side says that losing your hair due to nutrient deficiency is very real. What is the truth about hair loss vitamin deficiency?

Hair Loss

Even the healthiest person can experience hair loss. This is because hair loss is often caused by heredity and the action of hormones. Some individuals actually have genes that make them sensitive to the hormone DHT. It is this hormone that eventually shrinks the hair follicles and causes hair loss. This doesn't mean though that there is no truth behind hair loss vitamin deficiency. In a way, being deficient in some vitamins and minerals could contribute to hair loss in people of all shapes, colors and sizes.

Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency

Human hair is not an artificial attachment. It is very much a part of our bodies. Whatever we put inside our bodies will therefore either nourish or contribute to the diminished quality and quantity of our hair. It has been scientifically proven that eating meals that lack some vitamins and minerals can make you shed some hair strands.

People suspect that vitamin deficiency is caused by bad eating habits. Uncontrolled dieting, frequent fast food meals or not eating at all due to lack of time are only some of the modern conditions that can help promote hair loss vitamin deficiency.

Nutrients You Need

Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet would, naturally though, decrease the chances of suffering from hair loss. This would mean cutting down on fat, eating only lean meat and increasing your intake of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Other than this common sense tip, you should also remember to ensure that you have enough of some specific vitamins and minerals to prevent hair loss vitamin deficiency. One examples of these anti hair loss vitamins are the B complex vitamins specifically vitamin B6. This vitamin is necessary for promoting healthy blood cells which are needed to distribute nutrients to the entire body, including the hair. B complex vitamins can be found in beans, poultry, milk, cabbage, oatmeal, nuts and spinach.

Aside from the B-complex group, you should also make sure that you have enough vitamin C, A, E and K. Other than vitamins, increase your intake of foods with magnesium and zinc too.

Because it is not always possible to get all these nutrients by food and diet alone, it is also advisable to take vitamin and mineral supplements.

Other Hair Loss Cases

You may have another cause for hair loss if you are taking the right supplements and eating balanced diet but still having hair loss. Consider looking into other factors. It is possible that if hair loss does not run in your family, then it could be caused by stress, restrictive hairstyles or an autoimmune disorder.

Hair Loss

What causes hair loss vitamin deficiency? To find the right treatment learn more about the cause of hair loss.

Understanding The Cause Of Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency

Study The Best Cure For Thinning Hair Ends Hair Loss Fast much more

The Best Cure For Thinning Hair Ends Hair Loss Fast

Hair Loss Cures

Hair Loss Cures

Whether you are just beginning to notice a thinning of your hair or you've been losing hair for the past year or so, there exists a cure for thinning hair.

This cure to stop hair loss isn't advertised on national television nor is it sold in a small box in your local drug store. This treatment for loss of hair is a natural way of regrowing hair fast.

Why does the hair get thin and eventually bald? There are several causes of hair loss. Receding hair lines and generalized balding hair is usually the result of DHT. DHT or dihydrotestosterone, is a hormone produced in the body of men that attacks hair follicles.

After a while the hair follicles eventually weaken and fall out. Some other reasons exist for thinning hair and baldness as well. Certain prescription medications such as hormone and thyroid meds can cause hair to shed.

Chronic illnesses can cause hair to thin and also too a lack of certain vital nutrients in the body such as magnesium, iron, and zinc can lead to hair loss as well.

One way to start on the path to curing thinning hair right now is to take an herb that combats and fights thinning hair. That herb is Saw Palmetto. What Saw Palmetto does when taken in the 1500 mg per day dosage is block DHT from forming and damaging hair follicles. Stop DHT and you save your hair.

Healthy adults need at least 8 hours per day of sleep. A lack of sleep can prevent your hair from growing at its best.

The best cure for thinning hair rests in your ability to use natural, cheap remedies as a means of treatment. Doing this you can stop thin hair and grow thick, vibrant hair that stays permanently.

Learn about a ton of other cures for thinning hair by going to [http://hair4u.blogspot.com] Howard Litmon is a certified Dermatologist for hair, skin, and nail treatments.

Study Womens Hair Loss Causes and Natural Cures extra

Womens Hair Loss Causes and Natural Cures

Hair Loss Cures

Hair Loss Cures

These days not only men are losing there hair but it is also women who are experiencing hair loss. There is not many products available for a woman at the moment, due to the simple fact that it is not a very common occurrence. This being said there are a lot of natural solutions that are available to help get your hair back and growing strong. The reason that women actually lose there hair is because of the fact that blood flow is decreased to there hair follicles. This being said there is lots of ways to get your blood flowing correctly and sending the correct energy to the top of your head.

Firstly you will have to consider the underlying cause of hair loss. What is causing your blood flow to be restricted, are you stressed at work? Do you live in a big city centre where pollution is at its peak? Before any solution or natural treatment should commence you should firstly try to find the cause and then try stripping that out of your life. If you are living in a polluted area think about getting a flat outside of the area to help your lifestyle.

You should also take into account the current products you are using, try to use top of the range products which you know will be good for your hair. I always see a lot of women brushing there hair with anger ripping out strands after strands. No matter how many knots you have you should try to keep calm and slowly comb through them, also I know some women have really down days but one of the biggest causes of hair loss is actually pulling your hair back, this causes the follicles to be put under enormous stress and they just end up collapsing.

If none of the above has worked you can try a wide variety of natural home made products such as rosemary, oat extract and horsetail these are great for strengthening up your immune system and they are rich in minerals, which is the key to having strong nails and hair. Whichever option you decide to take you should always remember to keep a balanced and healthy diet, if you keep feeding your body junk and oil it will end up showing on the outer layers of your body. So the three steps you need to take are find the cause, eliminate the problem if this still does not work try the natural mentioned solutions.

Your Hair Loss and Hair Products