Read through Popular Temporary Hair Loss Cure Caused by Dandruff far more

Hair Loss Cures

There are two kinds of hair loss. Some are unfortunately permanent. But for some, it can be temporary. Hair loss may occur at a point in time because of some external or internal factor in your body that has appeared. Today, let us look at how dandruff can cause temporary hair loss and how we can solve it.

Dandruff is a common condition that affects areas of the skin that is rich in oil glands. This can either be the face, upper chest and back, and the scalp. Usually seborrhoeic dermatitis can just cause flaking of scalp. This is what is commonly known as dandruff. Sometimes, it can even spread to eyebrows, side of the nose, behind the ears, upper chest and back.

Dandruff usually will cause itching. Dandruff will not cause hair loss, but the itching problem can. Constant itching will cause one to keep scratching the scalp. Vigorous scratching can cause hair loss and worse, damage the scalp. The dandruff issue is related to an overgrowth of a normal skin fungus, pityrosporon yeast.

Dandruff can be controlled by using medicated shampoos that contains zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid, tar, or selenium sulphide. Usually these kinds of shampoos are easily found at any pharmacy shelf.

More serious dandruff issues may need the use of steroid creams, gels or lotion prescribed by the doctor. The more expensive types of anti fungal shampoos is also more effective than conventional medicated shampoos to deal with dandruff.

And here let me share with you some natural tips you can use to fight dandruff. Apple cider vinegar is a great natural cure for dandruff. Try spraying some apple cider vinegar on your head with a spray bottle and let it stay there for 20 minutes. Then wash off with regular shampoo. Do that for a week and you will see your dandruff disappearing.

You can also try rubbing a bit of jojoba oil on the scalp after shower. Neem oil is also great for the scalp. For better enhanced care for your scalp, you can mix some essential oil such as sage and rosemary oil with jojoba oil and apply the mixture to the scalp.

Luckily, one will not get dandruff from others as it is not contagious. However dandruff is an issue that affects a lot of people and is even more common in people with hair loss problem. Treat it with the right kind of treatment and you should be able to get rid of dandruff and keep your hair from falling.

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Christopher Wen is the webmaster for greenHealth information site where he provides articles, news, and remedies to current health issues we faced in our everyday life. Check out his blog at

Popular Temporary Hair Loss Cure Caused by Dandruff