Study Hair Loss Pictures Tell The Story - Step 3 To A Natural Cure For Hair Loss far more

Are you looking at your own hair loss pictures, and you're still considered young!

What happened? For some reason all your youth and energy isn't working on its own any longer. Maybe you're still young and vibrant, but all of a sudden you're bushy and "fancy free" hair has vanished!

In this third edition of "Hair Loss Pictures Tell the Story," see how your lifestyle is contributing to, or preventing hair loss. Experts blame most hair loss on genetics. But much of it can be attributed to what I call "lifestyle hair loss!"

What do I mean by "lifestyle hair loss?" It refers to lifestyle habits that affect your hair health!

It is easy to blame hair loss on genetics. But the truth is, our modern society has created an atmosphere of stressed-out, overfed, undernourished and sedentary information junkies.

These unhealthy lifestyle habits manifest their results in the health of our hair, among other things. In fact, show me a head of bad hair, and more than likely, that "head" has serious "lifestyle hair loss" habits!

However, there is hope!

Instead of expensive overpriced hair loss surgery, there are natural cures to hair loss! Simple healthy hair tips, exercises and practical haircare can help. It did wonders for me!

Below are just a few causes and ways to address the problem which could stop and even reverse your hair loss!

The Effects of Stress

Stress can cause rapid hair loss! Although stress may not be directly related, it's indirect effects can start hair loss in a matter of weeks or even quicker.

Because it causes your adrenaline glands to overwork, it begins to systematically affect your blood supply and could eventually cause hair loss.

Vital organs demand more blood during stress, which is redirected away from other areas of our body, to include hair circulation. If you're constantly under duress, areas of the body miss out on needed blood supply, like your scalp! It can stimulate hair loss, thinning hair and even premature gray hair.

So, slow down your stress level!

If you work a job or have a lifestyle of extreme stress, it's very important to consciously train your mind to relax. Realize that problems usually seem bigger than they are. So try to handle them with calm! Worry never has solved any problem!

Methodical thinking, meditation, prayer and purposeful relaxation-techniques should be a practice, and ready to use during times of stress!

Exercises for Hair Loss

Since a lack of blood circulation to the scalp increases hair loss, another way to naturally stop hair loss is doing exercises. Regular exercise provides circulation to all areas of the body, especially areas like the scalp.

Any exercise promoting blood circulation is extremely helpful. But, even more helpful is doing direct exercise to the scalp area.

This will make your scalp more movable at the top of your head. This movement or shifting of the scalp draws more circulation to the hair follicles.

There are techniques to doing scalp exercises that shift the "skullcap" back-and-forth and side to side. If not done properly, you could cause more hair loss by constant rubbing. It is advisable to learn these from a trained hair expert or you can easily learn them yourself like I did.

Breathing, Oxygen and Sunshine

Another way to get more blood to your scalp is to breathe with your mouth closed! That's right!

When you breathe with your mouth closed it will provide more oxygenated blood to flow toward your scalp and hair.

Also, you can do breathing exercises. Do deep breathing exercises through your nose during the day. Especially if your job includes very little exercise, like sitting in front of a computer all day!

Getting daily sunshine is another healthy hair tip. Take a walk and get five to 10 minutes of sunshine a day for the sake of your hair. The sun provides natural vitamins that are good for the hair and skin.

Make sure you consult your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle habits that may affect your health.

After applying these techniques, and the steps in my previous articles, I successfully overcame an extremely receding hairline and a bald spot in back! I did it with simple ways to naturally stop hair loss!

Hair Loss Cures

To see actual hair loss pictures, more "lifestyle hair loss causes" and complete information on a natural cure for hair loss for men and women, visit Take advantage of all my tips.

Hair Loss Pictures Tell The Story - Step 3 To A Natural Cure For Hair Loss

Hair Loss Cures